Ptygura crystallina, whirling specimen on the red alga Torularia atra. On the right a peritrich ciliate. |
Ptygura crystallina, whirling specimen; dorsventral view. Focus plane on the outer ciliated wreath (trochus) of the corona. |
Ptygura crystallina, whirling specimen; dorsoventral view. The triangles mark (part of) the inner ciliated wreath (cingulum, Ci) which continues into the buccal field. Mx: mastax; Tr. trochus; . |
Ptygura crystallina, another specimen; lateral view. An: anus (the fecal pellets are deposited in the housing of the rotifer); VA: ventral antennta. |
Ptygura crystallina, same specimen, lateral view. Optical longitudinal transect of the corona showing trochus (Tr) and cingulum (arrowhead). The arrow points to the right ventral (lateral) antenna with distinct cone-shaped papilla, which is in contrast to Ptygura pilula. |
Ptygura crystallina, same specimen, lateral view. Optical longitudinal transect of the head; focus plane on the buccal funnel showing trochus (Tr) and cingulum (arrowhead). The triangles mark the ventral part of the buccal funnel which continues into the buccal tube which ends at the mastax (Mx). |
Ptygura crystallina, left: whirling specimen; ventral view. Focus plane on the buccal field. Right: specimen with retracted corona, ventral view; focus plane on the lateral (= ventral) antennas. |
Location (1); (2): Wupper near Müngstener Brücke; |
Habitat (1); (2): epibiontic on the red alga Torularia atra in lotic water |
Date : 18.07.2022 (1); 03.08.2022 (2) |